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Established in 1978 in Berlin, the original partners of the ASA Group still continue to manage the business.

Originally designed as an architects office for refurbishing traditional buildings while being occupied, ASA Group expanded, as early as in the middle of the eighties of the last century, their business activities into the field of comprehensively looking after the interest of tenants and providing consultancy to investors in portfolios of traditional buildings.

With the arrival of re-unification, also ASA Group found a new approach and as a general planner refurbished thousands of dwellings in "large panel construction" for municipal property companies.

In the middle of the 90ties ASA Group acquired some 5,000 dwellings from a municipal property company. The buildings and exterior facilities were completely refurbished.

Vacancies had risen to 16% while premises were owned and managed by the vendors.

For that reason ASA Group in 2000 took over property management themselves and set up a Turn-Around-Management. Vacancies were reduced to less than 2% within two years against the - at that time current - trend in the housing market of Berlin, while rent revenue realized went up. On that basis the portfolio was sold in 2005 by way of a share deal.

At the beginning of the current decade ASA Group started to make their know-how and practical experience available to principals from institutional property companies and international investment groups. The focus here is on performing and co-ordinating Transaction Processes (mainly technical due diligence surveys) and on projects for the Real Estate- and Asset-Management.